Trendsi requires all sellers in the United States to have a valid seller's permit or tax ID. States impose penalties, fees, and maybe even criminal charges on businesses that fail to register as required. Some states only require tax ID, while others may require a seller's permit in addition to that. Sales tax rates, rules, and regulations change frequently, so please be sure you have obtained the proper documents in order to do business in your state right from the beginning.
To submit your seller permit at Trendsi, go Account--> Settings--> Profile--> Business Information
Please make sure your document is not expired and is in good resolution. Submissions are approved on the same day.
What is a Seller Permit or TIN?
Business License or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and state tax agencies don't really know businesses by name. It knows them by number, the Taxpayer Identification Number. Every business must have a Taxpayer Identification Number, which it uses not only when paying its own taxes, but also when withholding income and payroll taxes from workers' pay and forwarding them to the government.
Seller's Permit or Resale Certificate
A seller's permit or resale certificate is a document that allows retailers to purchase goods for resale without having to pay local sales tax for those items. With a resale certificate (also called a tax exemption certificate), it's the seller's responsibility to collect the appropriate sales tax from the customer when the items get sold. Without a resale certificate, the purchaser must pay sales tax on the items they intend to resell.
In conclusion, a resale number allows your business to avoid paying sales taxes on items purchased for resale to customers. A tax ID number, on the other hand, identifies your business in your dealings with tax agencies. Resale numbers are the responsibility of state governments, while tax ID numbers are issued by the federal government. International sellers who have no physical presence in the US are exempt from submitting a US seller permit.
Need help? Doola can help you get a valid seller's permit or tax ID to meet Trendsi's requirements for U.S.-based sellers. They handle everything you need to stay compliant with state regulations, ensuring you’re set up properly from the start, with no hidden fees. Plus, enjoy a free CPA consultation and full IRS compliance support.
Please note- this article is for informational purposes only and does not provide legal or tax advice. Always consult a tax professional or check with local, county, and state officials to determine the requirements for your business.
Below is a list of what permits cost in each state, as of January 2022, but subject to change at any time.
State & Websites | Notes |
Alabama | It’s free to register for an Alabama sales tax permit, but other business registration fees may apply. Licenses must be renewed annually effective January 1, 2021. |
Alaska | There’s no state sales tax in Alaska, but some jurisdictions impose a local sales tax and fees may apply. Remote sellers can register through the Alaska Remote Seller Sales Tax Commission. |
Arizona | The cost to register or renew an Arizona transaction privilege tax (TPT) license is currently $12 per business location. A separate city license fee may be required. TPT licenses are valid for one calendar year and must be renewed annually by January 1. |
Arkansas | The cost to register for an Arkansas sales tax permit is currently $50. |
California | It’s free to register for a California seller’s permit but a security deposit may be required to cover any unpaid taxes that may be owed if, at a later date, the business closes. The amount of the security deposit will be determined at the time you apply. |
Colorado | The cost to register for a two-year Colorado sales tax license is currently $16 (prorated depending on the date of issuance), plus a one-time $50 deposit. The deposit is automatically refunded to the business after $50 in-state sales tax has been remitted to the department. Additional fees may apply in self-collected jurisdictions. There’s no charge or deposit for a retailer’s use tax license. Licenses are valid for a two-year period and expire at the end of each odd-numbered year. All active Colorado sales tax licenses expire on December 31 of odd-numbered years (the next expiration date is December 31, 2023) and will need to be renewed. |
Connecticut | The cost to register for a Connecticut sales and use tax permit is currently $100. The permit expires every two years and is automatically renewed and mailed to you at no cost by the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services, as long as your account is active and in good standing. |
Delaware | There’s no state sales tax in Delaware. Other registration requirements may apply. |
Florida | It’s free to register as a Florida business. |
Georgia | It’s free to register for a Georgia sales and use tax number. There’s no need to renew it because it remains in effect as long as the business entity exists with no change in ownership or structure. |
Hawaii | The cost to register for a Hawaii general excise tax (GET) license is currently $20. |
Idaho | It’s free to obtain a sales tax permit in Idaho. |
Illinois | There’s no fee to register a business in Illinois, but there are license fees for some businesses with tax responsibilities. |
Indiana | The cost to register for an Indiana Registered Retail Merchant Certificate (RRMC) is $25. It’s valid for two years and updates automatically (for businesses in good standing) with no additional charge for renewal. If a business does not pay its tax liability, the RRMC will expire. |
Iowa | It’s free to register for an Iowa sales tax permit. |
Kansas | It’s free to register as a business in Kansas. |
Kentucky | It’s free to register for a Kentucky sales and use tax permit. |
Louisiana | It’s free to register for a Louisiana sales tax certificate. However, local governments may impose additional requirements and fees. |
Maine | It’s free to register for a Maine retailer certificate. |
Maryland | It’s free to register for a Maryland sales and use tax license. |
Massachusetts | It’s free to register for a Massachusetts Sales and Use Tax Registration Certificate, which is required for each business location. |
Michigan | It’s free to register for a Michigan sales tax license. |
Minnesota | It’s free to register for a Tax ID Number in Minnesota. |
Mississippi | It’s free to register for a Mississippi sales tax permit or registration license, which doesn’t expire or require renewal provided the holder continues in the same business at the same location (a separate permit is required for each location). However, a business with no permanent place of business in the state may be required to post a Sales Tax Bond or Surety Tax Cash Bond. |
Missouri | It’s free to register for a Missouri sales tax license. However, a business making retail sales in Missouri must post a bond equal to two times the average monthly sales and use tax. |
Montana | There’s no state sales tax in Montana. Other registration requirements may apply. |
Nebraska | It’s free to register for a Nebraska sales tax permit. A separate permit is required for each business location unless you apply through the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement. |
Nevada | The cost to register for a Nevada sales and use tax permit is currently $15 for each location. In addition, businesses must remit a security deposit as follows: Monthly filers must remit three times the estimated tax due per month; quarterly filers must remit twice the estimated average tax due per quarter; annual filers must remit four times the estimated tax due annually. If the calculated tax for a business is less than $1,000, no deposit is required. Businesses may apply for a security deposit waiver after three full years of perfect reporting. |
New Hampshire | There’s no state sales tax in New Hampshire. Other registration requirements may apply. |
New Jersey | It’s free to register for a New Jersey Certificate of Authority. |
New Mexico | It’s free to register for a New Mexico Business Tax Identification Number. |
New York | It’s free to register for a New York sales tax Certificate of Authority. |
North Carolina | It’s free to register for a North Carolina Certificate of Registration. |
North Dakota | It’s free to register for a North Dakota sales and use tax permit, and a permit remains active until the taxpayer cancels it. However, a bond may be required; taxpayers who file accurately and on time for two years may request a bond refund. |
Ohio | The cost for in-state vendors to register for an Ohio vendor’s license is currently $25, and a separate license is required for each fixed place of business. The license is free for out-of-state sellers who make taxable retail sales in the state. |
Oklahoma | The cost to register for an Oklahoma sales tax permit is currently $20, with additional locations costing $10 each. The license must be renewed every three years by the date the permit was issued. This video provides more details. |
Oregon | There’s no state sales tax in Oregon. Other registration requirements may apply; see the Oregon Department of Revenue. |
Pennsylvania | It’s free to register for a Pennsylvania sales tax license, which must be renewed every five years. |
Rhode Island | The cost to register for or renew a Rhode Island retail sales tax license is currently $10. A renewal fee is assessed each year. However, the fees to apply for or renew a sales tax permit have been eliminated for periods after July 1, 2022. |
South Carolina | The cost to register for a South Carolina retail license is currently $50. A separate retail license is required for each location. The license is valid for as long as the same retailer operates the business at that location (unless revoked by the Department of Revenue). Separate local business licenses may also be required. |
South Dakota | It’s free to register for a South Dakota sales tax license. |
Tennessee | It’s free to register for sales and use tax in Tennessee. However, most businesses also need a business license, which costs $15 and is issued from a county clerk’s office. |
Texas | It’s free to register for a Texas sales tax permit. However, businesses may be required to post a security bond. |
Utah | It’s free to register for a Utah sales and use tax license. |
Vermont | It’s free to register for a Vermont sales and use tax license. |
Virginia | It’s free to register for a Virginia sales tax certificate. |
Washington | The cost to obtain a business license in Washington varies from $0 to $90. |
Washington, DC | Washington, D.C. only has one type of sales and use tax permit. There is no fee to register for this permit in Washington, D.C. |
West Virginia | For most businesses, the cost to register as a business in West Virginia is currently $30. Transient vendors must post a security deposit (bond, cash, certified check, or irrevocable letter of credit) in the amount of $500. |
Wisconsin | There's a $20 fee to obtain the first Wisconsin seller's permit. There's no charge for additional tax permits, and no charge for a consumer's use tax certificate. |
Wyoming | The cost to register for a Wyoming sales and use tax license is currently $60. |